How to be a Vendor

PBA Procurement

How to do business with PBA


The Public Building Authority of the County of Knox and the City of Knoxville, Tennessee (PBA) works with vendors that provide products and services for our organization.  PBA handles a variety of services for our clients which include:  maintenance, security, custodial, grounds, life safety, parking, property development and telecommunications.  PBA adheres to purchasing best practices and standards to help ensure that each company receives the opportunity to offer services and that each solicitation is fairly evaluated for the benefit of our organization, clients and community.  PBA provides valuable resources on this page to assist vendors in understanding procurement requirements for our solicitations.

PBA may make purchases below $10k on the open market.  Three quotes will be collected for purchases between $10k - $24,999.  Purchases above $25k must be made through competitive solicitation.


PBA maintains an online list of suppliers and service providers interested in doing business with PBA.  Vendors will be included in bidders’ lists based on the commodity codes selected during vendor registration.  

PBA will attempt to notify vendors of solicitations when they are advertised using the automated system; notices will be sent to the email address on file in the vendor record.  PBA also posts notices for all competitive solicitation opportunities in the Knoxville New Sentinel and on PBA’s website.  Each vendor is encouraged to check PBA’s website regularly for current information on solicitations and awards.

Responses to solicitations should be delivered according to the instructions in each individual solicitation. Please see the link below for a list of current solicitations.

PBA uses Beacon Bid to share solicitations with suppliers. Click on any solicitation below to visit Beacon and get on the interest list. You may also subscribe to receive free updates for our future bids and RFPs by clicking on the 'Register for Alerts' link below. Please note that accurate contact information is required in order to receive any updates.

Beacon is free for bidders.

View Open Solicitations


Vendors interested in participating in solicitations should complete the vendor registration process on Beacon Bid. Vendors may update their vendor record any time there is a change to any information (e.g. contact name, phone number, address). Vendors will be included in bidders' lists based on the commodity codes selected during vendor registration.

Vendors will be required to provide additional documentation before a purchase order is issued or a contract is executed.


Physical Address
Street: 505 Summer Place, Suite G140
State: TN
Postcode: 37902
Mailing Address
Street: PO Box 2505
State: TN
Postcode: 37901
Telephone: (865) 215-4620
Fax: (865) 215-4637


PBA is committed to assisting small, disadvantaged, minority-, women-, and veteran-owned businesses learn how to do business with us.  We encourage the meaningful participation of these vendors through direct contracts and through sub-contracting on larger projects.

PBA participates in the annual Diversity Business Expo, the annual City of Knoxville Business Breakfast, and the annual East Tennessee Purchasing Association (ETPA) Business Matching Event.  For more details about these events, please contact PBA Procurement.  PBA promotes transparency and fairness in all procurements and abides by Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.